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XL4D ToneStand 5 review

XL4D sent me their another of their newest products the ToneStand 5, and let me say that I wasn't disappointed. The thing that drew me to this company is their appreciation of quality sound and the fact that they are making their products via 3D printing. I think that the 3D technology is really cool, and these products are a real showcase of it. The product is exactly what the name implies, it's a stand. Allowing you to sit your phone down and hear your music as it was acoustically meant to sound, not limited by the capabilities of your built in speakers on your smartphone. That's not a shot at any one, but I like my music loud and enjoy hearing it clearly. Check out my video of me using the ToneStand 5 above and make sure you go and browse XL4D's store and check out their other awesome products! ~ChicDivaGeek


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