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You're at an amazing event and sometimes 140 characters doesn't do it justice, or there's so much happening that you can't get it all out. Meet Meerkat, the app that lets you live stream video from your iPhone/iPad to your twitter followers. Simple concept and quite frankly is a lot easier than live tweeting each and every action that you have at an event.
You can follow other MeerKat users from the app or if you follow the person on twitter the live stream will show right up in your twitter feed! You can also save the stream to your phone (so for bloggers such as myself that's pretty handy). The app made it's debut at SXSW and that was definitely the place to do it, with so much going on down there, you miss a moment you miss alot!
MeerKat screen from iTunesThere are even a few potential presidential candidates that have used the app to live stream their activities, such a Jeb Bush. Just yesterday MSNBC's Kasie Hunt conducted an interview in the White House using MeerKat. One little thing, MeerKat is only available on iPhone and iPad.