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Travel plans? Prep your tech for vacation

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Memorial Day weekend is the unofficial kick off to beach vacations, cookouts and ushers in the summer season, and in this age we live in it's rare that we completely unplug. We have some type of technology with us at all times. But let's be honest sand, salt water and technology aren't a dream team. So I thought I'd share some ways you you can prep your tech for vacation. And before you say anything, I'v very aware that the Samsung Galaxy S7 is waterproof.....

First up, there are no outlets at the beach or at the pool and there are any more than likely you're not going to be near a beach chair or an umbrella when you use them. So make sure you pack a portable power bank or invest in a charging case. Power banks range in price but you can grab these at your local Five Below (that's one of my favorite places to get inexpensive tech accessories for those on a budget). In terms of charging cases, Mophie makes great cases that can protect and can charge your phone! They've even got one that can waterproof your phone, the H2Pro The prices on the Mophie cases can go as low as $59.95 up to $129.95 (for the H2Pro case),

Power Banks from Five Below (Photo: Five Below)

H2Pro Waterproof Battery Case (Photo: Mophie)

Now if you have a family or are going to have a few tech items soaking up the sun with you on the beach with you then it might be a good idea to invest in a DryPak Case. It does exactly what the name sound like, it keeps things dry. They've got small ones just for your phone, and even large duffel bags to pile a bunch of stuff in. If you're a photographer or someone trying to get a little extra work done on the beach? I wouldn't put my tablet, laptop or anything else in the same bag with my sandals or beach towel. And we all know how sand ends up EVERYWHERE! The smaller cell phone/MP3 cases allow you to still use it through the bag, so getting a picture in the crashing waves doesn't put your nerves on edge. You can get them from Amazon or the Airhead site, I've even seen them at Target.

DryPak Phone case (Photo:

Just a few tips so that you don't end up having to replace your devices! Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!



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