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Technology being used for Good...The Goodr Food Rescue App

Goodr logo (photo: Goodr Food Rescue) Do you ever wonder what happens to restaurant food that isn't served to customers at the end of the day? I know for a fact that places that bake things fresh daily, like Panera and other pastry shops don't end up using it all and some places end up throwing it away as they can't serve it the next day to the customer. But did you know that in America 1 out of 7 people are hungry? Now don't think that this applies just to the homeless, 12.7 percent of U.S households in 2015 were food insecure. (*according to USDA). That means that people are working and still struggling to make sure there's food on the table, and that shouldn't be. Jasmine Crowe of Black Celebrity Giving, is putting technology to use to help combat hunger with her new app, Goodr. I love when I am able to blend my love of technology and my love of giving together! I was so excited when I started seeing posts of what Jasmine was starting. I've had the pleasure of volunteering with her for Sunday Soul when she brought it here to the DMV and I'm always on the lookout on ways to help. Goodr app's purpose is to get take the their surplus food off of restaurants (donors) hands to shelters, soup kitchens, nonprofits, and individuals who are food insecure. By doing so they are eliminating waste and addressing a need in the community. Not only that, by it being a mobile service that needs drivers they are able to provide jobs as well, thus making broader economic impact.

Goodr App Screen (Photo: restaurants (donors) will be able to post their surplus food, track the driver and see the impact their donations made. I had an opportunity to dig a little deeper into why Jasmine started the app.

Jasmine Crowe, Goodr App Founder & Black Celebrity Giving Founder

ChicDivaGeek: I know that you are well known for your charitable activities already with Black Celebrity Giving, so what inspired you to develop the Goodr app? Jasmine Crowe: It was actually through my work with charitable endeavors from BCG that Goodr Food Rescue was birthed. One of our initiatives is called Sunday Soul and we've been hosting homeless feedings for this for over three years. I thought about all the food that restaurants waste and how many people I feed that otherwise go hungry and decided this was a viable option that I had to try.

CDG: Will you be expanding it to other cities/states?

JC: Absolutely I want to focus on Atlanta for one year first to iron out all of the kinks before expanding to other cities and states. I think I will go to North Carolina or the DMV area next. CDG:Will it be available for all mobile devices? JC: Yes the App will be available on iPhone and Android

CDG: What is the criteria if any for a restaurant/business to sign up to be apart of it?JC: They must have at least 10 servings of any items for pick-up. Depending on the volume of business that establishment does there is a one year registration fee which covers our costs for drivers and provides the business with a donation report they can use for tax write-offs.

CDG: *Bonus question* What other ways do you think technology can help drive charitable activities and giving? Do you think we are using it to it's full potential? JC: I don't want to stop with food, eventually I'd like to create a system similar to OfferUp which is completely for item donations for charities. I think technology and social impact have many more ways to merge together and create change, so I would have to say we're not using our full potential just yet. This app is what technology is all about really. Technology by definition is the practical application of knowledge, we see a need in the community and we address it. That's what Jasmine has done with Goodr app, I can't wait to see this grow and the impact it will have on the community! I'm hoping the DMV (DC, Maryland, and Virginia) is the next area it comes to Jasmine!




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