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For the little engineers/techies in your life...Kano!

credit: Kano

This little finding made me inner geek happy. I've always wanted a way to help technology appeal to little minds and Kano has gone and done it. Kano is a computer and coding kit with the simplicity of Legos.

Kano is a computer that you build yourself and you also code it as well (talking to my Linux people here) The OS is open source, so you can really play around with it. But it comes with the components you see above, instruction manuals (not the monitor that you see). It runs on Rasberry Pi, Model B, which touts an ARM 700MHz CPU and 512MB of RAM, it also comes with a 8GB SD card that has the OS, WiFi dongle, and cables to connect it to a screen. So you won't be playing the latest version of the Sims on it. But I think this is a great way to introduce kids to the world of tech outside of tablets and smartphones. It retails for $149

credit: Kano

All they've got to do is put it together! This may make it under my Christmas tree this year for my little guy! Check them out! ~ChicDivaGeek



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