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Easy ways to build a landing page for all your links

So a week or so ago, the ever popular LinkTree got flagged as spam by Instagram.  LinkTree is a service that provides one link for the many things we may house on the web, but specifically it's a gem because well Instagram only allows for one link in your bio.  Many users (myself included) opened their Instagram app to a message stating " a link in their profile was in violation of IG guidelines". Needless to say there was full on panic. Alot of users weren't sure what it meant, thought they'd been hacked, etc.  While you were in "violation" you weren't able to comment on posts or anything.  My error message specifically pointed to my profile and the only thing there was my Linktree link. This was resolved but I thought why not just make a links page on your own site?? So I'm going to share a few ways you can quickly make one for your site!

Wordpress If you're a WordPress user like myself, you can easily make a new page. Create the new page, add your respective links to what you'd like and publish.  Now of course you want a visually appealing page, so add your image to the top and jazz up the heading.  I use "Shortcodes Ultimate " on my blog (because I am a WordPress user) and it allows me to create buttons using a shortcode.  This is also helpful when adding dimensions to your blog posts as well!

Wix/Squarespace If you use Wix or SquareSpace this is also an easy add on.  You're going to go to edit site button from your dashboard.  Then on the left side of the screen go to Menu & Pages --> towards the bottom click "Add Page"--> Name your page (Links is a good idea) and hit Done.  Now you're not done with the design or add the links but the page is created.  Then you can just add images or shapes or whatever you want and hyperlink them to the items you want your users to get to.  The beauty of Wix is you can pretty much do anything design wise, so get creative with it! For my SquareSpace users, you're going to login of course. Then go to Pages.  Click that little "+" sign at the top of the list of pages, name the page, pick a layout or you can leave it blank.  Then go ahead and edit the page.

This was the quick and the nerdy version of how to do a landing page. I mean after all you want the traffic to come to your site right? As a blogger this is really important, especially if you plan to work with brands or increase your readership.  Stay tuned though I have something coming up that will help you!



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