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Console Wars: Xbox One vs PS4

E3 is this week and with it two thirds of the gaming trifecta have showed their hands. We got a look at Microsoft's Xbox One and Sony's Playstation 4. Now of course each console has some pretty cool features not to mention it's own loyal base of gamers, but let's take a look at how these two gaming titans stack up against one another. Microsoft's Xbox One was announced a few months back to quite a bit of fanfare, here are the specs:

  1. 8-Core x86 processor (supporting fast gaming, as well as fluid switching between other Xbox One services)

  2. HDMI Pass-thru (connect your TV, you can watch the TV through your Xbox One)

  3. 8GB of RAM

  4. 500 GB built in hard drive

  5. Blu-Ray playerXbox One comes with a improved Kinect that is bundled with every Xbox One. Many of you may have heard about the "Always On" feature which is when the system will have to check into Microsoft servers every 24hrs, or it disables the gaming function. Other functions will not be affected but that's alot. There is also the issue of used and rented games which will be "changed"; The practice of lending games to family/friends or just pawning it off on Ebay will be gone, but Microsoft has said that the feature is left up to the discretion of the game publisher. In the future there will be a game lending function, but that will not be available with the launch of the console. Renting games (Gamefly users) will also not be available at launch. The Xbox One hits the shelves in November with a price tag of $499. Now on to the PS4 which was completely unveiled at E3 this week. Tech Specs first:

  6. 8-Core x86-64 processor

  7. AMD Radeon graphics engine

  8. 500GB hard drive

  9. 8GB of RAM

  10. HDMI output

  11. 3 USB 3.0 ports

  12. Blu-Ray/DVD PlayerThe PS4 has also introduced the Playstation Eye, which functions like the Kinect, but doesn't come bundled with the PS4, it is an additional $60. Sony announced that users will not be required to connect to the Internet or "check in" (their words) to play games on the console. It will also support used games, but like the Xbox One the ability to restrict or control digital rights is up to the game publisher. PS4 users will have to have a Plus membership to play multi-player online games, but not for other services such as Netflix (Unlike Xbox, a Gold membership is required to access Netflix or other media services). The PS4 has a price tag of $399 and we've only been given "Holiday 2013" in regards to release. With the Plus (pay-for) memberships both companies are promising free games to those subscribers. Both systems are available for pre-order right now. Keep in mind this is a condensed version of the info that is out there. So which will you be purchasing or are you just going to keep what you have, both Sony and Microsoft have promised support and new games for Xbox 360 and PS3. PS4 X-Box One



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