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ChicDivaGeek Recap: Flash Technology Summit

Hi There!!! So on April 15th 2017 in partnership with the Prince George’s County Parks and Recreation, the Flash Technology Summit happened! The Flash Technology Summit was a day of small workshops that all centered around technology. There were three different workshops, the iYouth MultiMedia workshop lead by Community Connextionz and focused on the audio visual concepts, the STEAM America workshop which taught kids how to create web pages.

The workshop personally lead by myself (Adrian McClanahan) was hands on with building printers and coding them. The printer kits and the curriculum was generously provided by Pree Walia of ( The housings for the printers were 3-D printed so the kids had to assemble every part of the printer. The kids worked in teams so we were able to add a teamwork component to the workshop as well. Each group successfully assembled the printers (and some disassembled them following the previous class) and they were done correctly. We had a slight issue with the code and what I found so amazing was that I had one student skip the other two workshops to work on the code problem with me. We had over 50 kids registered for the event!

We provided lunch to the kids which was sponsored by Chick-Fil-A in District Heights..who can concentrate on an empty stomach after all. And Parks and Recreation provided 3 $100 gift cards, one for each workshop, to give to the student that the instructor felt did the most outstanding job that day.

All the parents raved about how much fun and learning the kids did and that was the ultimate goal! I want to personally thank my manager at South Tech Recreation Center Shante Stokes for allowing me to put this event together. Tara and Krystal of Community Connextionz for facilitating the AV workshop for the kids and to STEAM America for facilitating the web design workshop! Huge thank you to my assistant in my workshop Mo Jackson, and my friend Sharnikya for stopping by to assist with registration!

I look forward to putting this together next year and it growing!




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