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AwesomeCon Recap

This past weekend I had the privilege of covering Awesome Con, and it lived up to it's name. Of course most of geeks know what a Con is, it's short for convention. Awesome Con took over the Washington Convention Center in Washington, DC for 3 whole days, and there was no shortage of well...awesomeness! From scores of graphic artists to comics by the boat loads, there was something for the geek in all of us. They had $1 classic comics! There was a Lego table, with a huge assortment of super hero legos, my son was assisting me during this so of course Legos were purchased. And no Con is complete without the cosplay. Cosplay is dressing up as a character from a book, movie or video game.

Me and DJ entering Awesome Con Oh and there were quite a few celebrity guests as well. The original Power Rangers, Karan Ashley (Yellow Ranger), David Yost (Blue Ranger), Austin St. John (Red Ranger) and Walter E. Jones (Black Ranger). I remember being a kid and watching this show EVERYDAY after school. Sean Astin (Sam) and John Rhys-Davies (Gimli) were also there from, Lord of The Rings. Kristin Bauer of True Blood and most recently Once Upon a Time was also a the celebrity guests. But I wouldn't be a trekkie if I didn't mention that William Shatner was there! Although I didn't get to see him, I saw the lines that were anticipating his arrival. Needless to say Awesome Con pulled out the stops.

Perusing the Lego table

Artist booth, these were hand drawn, Amazing right?

Can you name all of these Batman villians?

Rikki Simons, voice of Gir from Invader Zim

Ahhh Zelda Cosplay!!!

Lego Avengers

Send in the Storm Troopers

Super Girl

DJ and Arrow

The force is strong in this pictureAwesome Con had everything a geek needed to have a great time and then some. I stongly urge you to attend next year if you missed out this year. Very well worth it, I had a great time covering it (as did the kid in me) and so did my son. He thought it was the "Best place ever!" ~ChicDivaGeek



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