Ready to change up your space? Perhaps you just did a tour of a model home and you're inspired to spruce up your living room. I don't know about you guys but I periodically rearrange my house to give it a different feel. I'm not the Feng Shui guru or anything, but there's something about a space that feels put together. Now I'm also not rich and to be honest, I'm not a window shopper or someone who will spend hours browsing furniture stores. Sooo I was excited when I stumbled across the Decor Matters app.
Redesign your room, while sitting in it
You ever have an idea hit you or see a piece of furniture and think, that would look great in the living room? Well, think of this app like being on Pinterest, Amazon, and in HomeGoods all at the same time! I mean who doesn't like HomeGoods? You can design a room completely in the app, so like a mockup or you can use the AR (augmented reality) feature to see how something will look in a room in your house.
Again I am no Interior Designer, but I cannot wait to decorate my little office space in the laughing at my mockup
Hey Designers, this is helpful for you too!
While someone like me can design or at least attempt to with this app, designers can benefit from this too. I mean you can showcase your mockups and visions for others to see within the app, people can follow you. So there is somewhat of a social aspect. Another thing to note, even if someone comes up with their design, it might be helpful just to be able to get a better idea of what your potential client is trying to design.
What's even better, if you find something you like, you're able to shop right from inside the app. Cool, right? The DecorMatters app is available for iOS only , sorry to my Android users. On the nerd end I am happy to see developers really taking advantage of the AR kit in iOS.
Happy decorating!