(Photo: Apple.com)
It's that time of the year again!! Yesterday Apple kicked off it's annual World Wide Developer Conference (WWDC) with it's eagerly awaited keynote. Where they announce all the latest and exciting things coming from the tech giant. WWDC itself is a week long thing, and normally of course in person, but this year with the pandemic is being held virtually. But can I say I was still just as excited and the presentation didn't disappoint! But you're not here for my nerdy excitement, you're here for all the tea on the latest things Apple announced, so let's get into that.
Tim Cook opened the keynote addressing racism, the killing of George Floyd and the on going injustices against black people in America. Thank you. He reiterated Apple's announcement of their Racial Equity and Justice Initiative, which will distribute $100 million to "challenge systemic barriers that limit opportunity for communities of color in the critical areas of education, economic equality and criminal justice reform. He also shared Apple's Developer Entrepreneur Camp for Black and Brown developers
It's not business as usual, there is so much work to be done, we have to keep pushing change and demanding justice.
Now for the tech tea...first up iOS 14
We all knew there was a new iOS coming for iPhone, and while that's not groundbreaking news, there are quite a few cool features coming that I'm very excited about.
Widgets are coming! Yes your iOS homescreen will now have widgets! So all those important things you want to glance at quickly on your home screen can be added and adjusted in size as well.

Widgets on iOS 14 home screen (photo: Apple)
App Library
Then they rolled out the App Library, which will automatically organize your apps into categories for you. This page will be at the end of the pages you swipe on your phone as you scroll to look for a particular app. I mean I think we (read me lol) can all use some help in the organization department..am I right?

App Library page (Photo: Apple)
No more paused when using Facetime!
Apple has given us Picture-in-Picture!! You can now be on a Facetime call or while you use another app! Incoming calls will no longer take over your entire screen when people call, it's compact and at the top! Oh annnddd Siri got a makeover too! She doesn't take over the screen anymore either! She pops up as a cute little orb at the bottom

Picture and Picture and incoming calls on iOS 14 (Photos: Apple)
There's a few new features that I'm particularly excited about in Messages on iOS 14. First you can now do threaded replies, and mentions in group messages! Listen reactions are good buttt this will definitely help with understanding a group text that's got more than 10 people in it lol. Also coming, the ability to pin conversations to the top of your messages list, so if you have lots of message threads and but want to make sure you don't miss notifications from a particular chat, boom, just pin it to keep it at the top.

Threaded replies, and pinned messages in iOS 14 (Photos: Apple)
More privacy please!
The settings coming to the for the app store in iOS 14 will show you exactly what information apps are collecting from you and sharing. You will see this before you decide to download the app! I like how they stated it during the keynote.."it's like a nutrition label" you look at it before purchasing to be clear on what's being shared before installing it.

App Privacy settings/details in App Store iOS 14 (photo: Apple)
While we're on the subject of privacy...did you know Safari will know tell you if a password you're using is not secure. AND you can get a privacy report on the websites you are visiting? So how websites handle your privacy.
Can't find your keys, no problem start the car with your phone
Apple announced Carkey you'll be able to unlock, start your car with your iPhone. It works over NFC technology and the first car supporting this technology is one I can't yet afford lol, the 2021 BMW 5 series. You'll be able to share digital keys with people via messages. You can disable the keys via iCloud if the phone is lost.
Now this isn't all of it, but the exciting pieces I thought to share with you guys. You can check out a preview of iOS 14 here. The update is due to come out this Fall, I can't wait!
Watch OS
So pretty safe to assume (actually it always happens) when you get an software (OS) announcement for one product you're getting one for them all. Watch OS 7 will come with improvements to the fitness app, so it'll be able to better track core workouts, dance workouts, and cool downs. (I just want it to stop cheating me out of my mileage when I'm walking).
Another timely feature coming, the hand washing detection feature. Sad that we need it but listen if it leads to people not forgetting how to wash their hands not mad. It will use the motion sensors, microphone, and on-device machine learning to automatically detect hand washing motions and sounds. Then initiates a 20-second countdown timer, and if the user finishes or stops early, they will be prompted to keep washing. Apple Watch will also be able to remind the wearer to wash their hands when they return home.

Hand washing feature on Watch OS7 (Gif: Apple)
You can dig into all the upcoming Watch OS features here. And like iOS 14 will be coming in the fall.
Mac OS Big Sur
Apple announced a new Mac OS coming! Mac OS Big Sur. I won't drown you in the details but I'm extremely excited that Control Center is FINALLY coming to Mac OS! So that little box on the swipe screen that you can control bluetooth, volume, wifi from on your phone will now be available on your Mac!

Control Center on Mac OS Big Sur (Photo: Apple)
You can preview more features coming in Mac OS Big Sur here.
Sooo what things are you excited about in the future software updates? Who's still holding out for a new phone? I finally had to upgrade to an XR because my trust 7 Plus was on the blink, and well working remotely you kind of have to have a phone.